Inspyred Creations:
Steampunk Jewellery
Inspyred Creations is gaining renown throughout the country and beyond with her one of a kind antique and vintage components made into charming pieces.

About the Artist
Meagan Brown (she/her) is a Manitoba-born artist with a passion for giving old or discarded objects a new life. Raised in a century-old family farmhouse, Meagan developed a strong reverence for history and antiques. The Victorian steampunk style was the catalyst for her early collection that won her admirers all over the globe.
Meagan’s mental health journey altered the trajectory of her life and career. She uses her ingenuity and unconventional perspectives to create beautiful things with impactful stories.
Her time at Artbeat Studios in Winnipeg provided her with a professional setting to explore many mediums and gave her the confidence to truly believe people desired her work.
She was able to release the shame surrounding her mental health by finding community in other creatives who experience neurodivergence and mental illness, and became an advocate for those like herself. Meagan embraces efforts to reduce the stigma of mental illness and openly shares her story and struggles to help others understand mental wellness and themselves.
Meagan lives her life guided by creativity, compassion, and curiosity for the “hows” and “whys” of life. One of Inspyred Creations’ main goals is focusing on its ecological impact with bio-friendly packaging, sourcing locally, and keeping materials from the landfill. As a multi-faceted artist, Meagan tirelessly makes efforts to develop new approaches to her art. She is fascinated by the journey of taking old, broken, and worn pieces and designing them into truly unique art. Inspyred Creations also focuses on the nostalgia of personalized pieces, creating custom works incorporating customers’ own treasures and style.
Her business journey has included invitations to Toronto, New York, Hollywood, Europe and Australia at film festivals, conferences, conventions, and The Oscars. In 2021, Meagan became a member of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Brandyn Balness (they/them) joined the Inspyred Creations team in 2016. Their attention to detail and love of tiny things is a great asset to the business and each creation. Brandyn’s work has expanded over the years to include miniature sculptures and polymer clay work. They also have a passion for plant design, building miniatures, and fibre arts.
Artbeat Studio
Artbeat Studio is an organization near and dear to me. It promotes healing and empowerment through art for consumers of mental health services. It creates a community for people who find their mental health isolates them. I consider Artbeat’s residency program my starting point as a professional artist. It’s through Artbeat Studio, Studio Central, and Upbeat Artworks Boutique that myself and so many others have found a place to belong, as well as personal and professional success.
Every sale on the website will provide a donation to Artbeat and I encourage you to support this incredible program through the donation link below.
Your gift will enhance the ongoing work of Artbeat Studio enabling consumers of mental health services to engage in artistic expression that promotes recovery, empowerment, and community. Charitable Tax Receipts are issued for donations of twenty dollars or more. #ARTSAVESLIVES
Artbeat Studio is a non-profit charitable organization. Your tax-deductible donation not only facilitates positive outcomes and opens doors for artists directly, but also helps the family, the mental health system, and improves the community as a whole. Please contribute to this unique and socially progressive program. Your donation is the very first step to recovery. Every donation counts!
Canadian Registered Charitable
Tax Number: 857638340RR0001
In case you want to incl. a method of donation that is not online, mail donations can be sent to:
Artbeat Studio, Inc.
Floor Four
62 Albert Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3B 1E9
Please make cheques payable to Artbeat Studio.